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Proverbs 4:2 NIV

By September 4, 2024No Comments

“I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching.”

One of the key phrases in this passage is “sound learning.” It can be difficult these days to know what is truly “sound” and where to find it. First and foremost, it is essential to consider whether it is grounded in Scripture. Some might argue that the only source of truly sound teaching can come from certain translations or even a specific translation. For example, there are people in the church who believe that only the King James Version is accurate. Beyond that, there are those who claim that only believers in their denomination will make it to heaven. Although I’m fond of a particular translation of Scripture and ordained by a certain denomination, sound teaching for a follower of Christ combines Scripture, teaching that is faithful to it, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Solomon considered his father’s instruction to be sound teaching as well. Watching his father, King David, walk faithfully after God’s heart helped qualify his teaching for his son. We, too, should have faithful men and women in our lives who reflect the qualities of a life lived by sound teaching. In a time of much unsound teaching, it is imperative that we find, cherish, and live out truly godly teaching. Today, pursue truth. #BeTheEdge

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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