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Proverbs 3:6 NIV

“in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

No one hears or shares this verse without the preceding one. It’s about trusting God and not your own understanding. If God sat in a chair discussing…well, anything, you would hang on every word and do exactly what He recommends. I mean with no deviation at all right? Of course. So why do we not always do that anyway. Because, He is not sitting here we allow room for doubt. God’s visual presence would be very comforting. Discerning His will in a situation can be very challenging, even frustrating at times. We may not feel connected enough too Him to be confident we are hearing Him clearly. We may just want to do something different or we may simply not care what He wants. Even the most lost of us would be hard pressed to ignore God to His face. Can I humbly suggest that when we are disobedient that is exactly what we are doing. He offers a straight path. The evil one, speaking through our broken places, offers immediate gratification on a path that drops off a cliff. Yet somehow, at least at times, we choose the cliff. Living by faith can be a bit existential for some of us or we view it as an esoteric concept. However it is as simple as conversing, or better yet listening to God and obeying, knowing that His will is always, I repeat always, the best. Today look Him in the eyes and then obey. #BeTheEdge

“If you love me, keep my commands.” Jesus

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