“This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”
I’m a regular on the Keto diet. When I’m not on it I’m usually doing My Fitness Pal. If that’s not my current diet I may be on the no fat, high sugar, lots of cabbage or ice cream only diets. Ok, there probably is no ice cream diet but the point is I’ve been on more diets than I can remember. Lots of them worked…for a while. In this verse Solomon hits on what all that dieting is chasing. Health to my body and nourishment to my bones is a great outcome. As we saw last month Solomon reminds us that these result from humility and a proper respect for God as well as aggressively avoiding evil. The original language used “navel” for the word “body”. It was, and still is, known as the first source of nourishment for the whole body in the womb. It is used to signify the source of all health for the body in Solomon’s time. It was perceived that as long as all the organs in that area were ok then the rest of you would be fine. Medicine and science has progressed, however the meaning to us is still accurate. Living in right relationships makes life and health even sweeter to those of us who walk closely with God. There are obvious health benefits to living a biblically clean lifestyle but more importantly the soul that stands in unity with God’s spirit flourishes in freedom. Today find the health your body and Spirit crave in living God’s way. #BeTheEdge
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV