“Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.”
This is part of a stretch in chapter 4 where Solomon is encouraging us, as his father did him, to get wisdom. If you cherish and embrace wisdom it will honor and exalt you. That doesn’t sound like a bad deal. There is also a real sense of being a light that points to God in this verse. The word exalt gives the image in the original language of “being lifted as a causeway”. A causeway serves to carry those who cross it to the destination where they desire to be. As Christ followers we have that same responsibility. Even though Jesus Himself is the bridge that the lost crossover into salvation we share a responsibility to direct, through words and actions, those lost and looking for God toward His presence. It has always been a beautiful image and a humbling responsibility. We are called by Jesus in the sermon on the mount to “let our light” point the way to Him. What a privilege. As we pursue and gain in wisdom we become wiser in how to live in such a way that we become that causeway or even light house. The word used here for exalt also includes a sense of diligently seeking, “to examine closely, to scrutinize.” These are all things that we hope the seeker does in their search for God. Yes, the journey will exalt us and bring us honor. If that’s your motivation you will find that in the end you can seize the platform to shine the light on Jesus which is a greater gift. Today pursue God’s wisdom and watch Him work. #BeTheEdge
“let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Jesus