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Proverbs 4:1 NIV

By January 4, 2022No Comments

“Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding.”

Don’t lick your knife. Don’t play in a thunderstorm in an aluminum suit. Don’t eat a watermelon whole. This is all fatherly advice that I ran across early in my life. In this chapter Solomon starts by encouraging us to pay close attention to a fathers instruction. Obviously, that was an important part of how he built his life. He learned from his fathers instructions. He also was clearly instructing his own son to pay attention to his instructions. Not all of us have had the benefit of a godly father. A number of life circumstances that we encounter in a fallen world could intercept that opportunity and has for a lot of people. An early death, a bitter divorce, and numerous other things can lead to the lack of a godly father in a persons life. Thankfully, the wisdom for us is not only of value for those with a godly dad. No question a father who is “a man after God’s own heart” is a powerful gift. But, for those without one, God provides mentors and role models. He also provides Himself. Jesus paints beautiful pictures of His Father. He also declared boldly that when we see Him we see The Father. Today let Gods instruction continue to invade your story and pass it on. #BeTheEdge

“Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” Jesus

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