“My son, pay attention to my wisdom, turn your ear to my words of insight,”
As a teenager I tried a number of ways to retain the information we were getting in class. I tried recording the key points and having it play while I slept (I was good at this one). I tried turning the main info into a song (not so good at this one). Think those are nuts, I’m not even sharing the more bizarre techniques I tried. Finally I began to sit in the front of class, take copious notes that I rewrote the night before the test and asking lots of questions. My grades went from struggling to “A’s”. What I learned was that the key to learning boiled down to just paying close attention and putting extra focus on what I needed to learn. Solomon directs us to do this in relation to learning the principles and truths of God. It is not rocket science to understand that focusing on what we need to know is the key to learning, although that is probably part of the secret to becoming a rocket scientist. The point here is to remind us of a simple principle. In our busy world that demands we continually learn as our industry changes it can be easy to lose sight of the value and need to consistently grow in our knowledge and understanding of God and His Truth. We know keeping up with and learning our industry enhances our chances of earning more and moving up the leader board. The intangibles of spiritual growth can be easy to overlook. The idea of business advancement without the spiritual foundation to keep us sound in our faith is often seen but seldom effective. Today be sure to keep your spiritual focus and watch God work through your leadership. #BeTheEdge
“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:17 NIV