“Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing.”
A recent survey showed that 70% of the people who quit their jobs during the pandemic wish they had not done that. I find that statistic both disheartening and encouraging. It saddens me that in the panic of the pandemic they made a decision that only a year or so later they regretted but it heartens me that they want to work. Solomon takes pretty harsh and direct aim at those who would rather live a lazy, purposeless life than work. Billy Graham taught that we will have jobs in heaven. His proposition is that being created in the image and likeness of God includes a deep desire to work. Maybe not the unfulfilling jobs that some people who are out of alignment with God’s plan for their lives do, but the job we were built and gifted for. Even those of means can suffer the consequences of the sluggards life. A friend who lived in Asheville NC in college described the life of some of the “trust fund” kids he encountered. Knowing money was coming, some waited and while waiting for the year the fund would begin providing money they lived homeless on the streets, begging food, getting strung out on drugs and some even dying before the fund kicked in. It is a heart wrenching story that was too often repeated. Being a sluggard in todays world of record low unemployment with millions of jobs waiting to be filled is inexcusable. Today thank God for your job and work with intentionality and diligence to honor Him. #BeTheEdge
“Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:12 NIV