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Proverbs 5:11 NIV

By November 5, 2022No Comments

“At the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are spent.”

The majority of this chapter is dealing with adultery. It describes the toll taken on the life of the person who gives into the temptation of the adulteress. This verse specifically describes some of the price paid physically because of indulging in this sin. The bigger truth here is that all sin takes a toll on us in every area of our lives. Physically, mentally, socially and also spiritually. The verse describes some of the physical penalty. Socially it can result in broken relationships with those we love and are close to. Mentally the price is the destruction of good healthy thinking. We have seen in Proverbs that we become what we think about and if we dwell on sin we become a caricature of that sin. Spiritually sin results in a brokenness in our relationship and fellowship with God. We sacrifice time living in the blessings and closeness of walking in intimacy with Him. Scripture is clear that while we hold onto that sin God allows the distance to exist by ignoring our communication with Him. For our sake He allows a distance that will ultimately drive us to repentance and reconciliation. Today avoid sin and when you fall return quickly. #BeTheEdge

“If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;” Psalms‬ ‭66‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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