“I would not obey my teachers or turn my ear to my instructors.”
There was an old mixer we used in youth ministry that had a bunch of trivia questions. The instructions on top of the page ended with this “Read all the questions before you begin answering.” The last question was really an instruction that said, “Do not answer any of the previous questions, just sit and watch those around you who are not following directions”. It was always good for a laugh but it also lent itself to a teachable moment. Often the arrogance of youth leads to many disappointments which can include life long consequences. Youth are not the only ones who tend to ignore wise counsel. It is easy to forget that in much of life there are those who have already traveled the river before us. They know the twists, turns, coming rapids and hidden rocks. As true as this is in the physical world it is equally true in the spiritual world. Maybe more so. Life circumstances can change but God’s eternal truths never do. Listening and learning from those in the Kingdom of God who have experience in living out His commands as well as walking in His light brings an eternal perspective to our journey. It is a very foolish person who ignores them. Today seek out wise counsel and listen. #BeTheEdge
“Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?” Job 12:12 NIV