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Proverbs 5:22 NIV

By December 5, 2024No Comments

“The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast.”

Sometimes, it’s difficult for me to believe that Satan was so blinded by his pride and vanity that he believed his manipulation of King Herod’s heart could result in our Savior’s death soon after His birth. It seems that Jesus was around 2 years old when the wise men stopped at Herod’s palace seeking directions to the newborn King, Jesus. Herod then launched a plan to deceive the wise men into believing he wanted them to find the child and report His whereabouts back to him so he could worship Him as well. We all know God sent the wise men home by a different route, avoiding Herod. When he realized they had slipped away without telling him, he ordered all the boys under two years old to be killed. Joseph was warned and escaped with Jesus before the unimaginable evil slaughter. In the same way, as we walk with the Lord, Satan and his followers will pursue us, but like Jesus, they can’t touch us without God’s permission. I received a message the other day from a friend from India who is on a missionary trip to preach the gospel. He described their experience this way: “Almost ten days have passed, and we have been doing street evangelism. We are rejected, beaten up, and our speaker was thrown by an angry man. We have been warned not to preach in their village, but still, we are preaching, and the Holy Spirit is empowering us day by day. Kindly uphold us in your prayers.” — Pastor Chandan. Today, pray for this team and live boldly for your King. #BeTheEdge

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalms‬ ‭18‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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