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Proverbs 6:20 NIV

By December 6, 2024No Comments

“My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.”

This used to be much more universally applicable than it is today, I’m afraid. I realize there have always been unhelpful parents, but the number of those who pass along godly truth to their children seems smaller today than at any other time in history. Solomon knew his parents, David and Bathsheba, and though they were far from perfect, they had hearts for God and provided counsel and training that reflected that. Today, unlike in Solomon’s day, we have the writings of all the New Testament authors, not only to give us great counsel but also to direct our children to. I certainly recognize the value of the Old Testament writings, but while the promise of a Savior is found there, the New Testament is filled with the results and fulfillment of that promise. With the birth of the Savior, we see the modeling of the Christian life in a way that those of us who did not receive the godly training Solomon speaks of can find it in the the New Testament. This does not absolve us of our responsibility as parents and grandparents and to instruct our children in the truths of God. We certainly know the value of God’s commands, but even more, relaying His love, grace, forgiveness, and salvation is vitally important. God’s leaders in business understand this responsibility to our teams as well. This is a great time of year to share the truth of His gift at the first Christmas. Today, share His love. #BeTheEdge

“and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Jesus

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