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Proverbs 7:7 NIV

By December 7, 2024No Comments

“I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who had no sense.”

I knew the kid in this verse. You probably did too. I could go through a list of names after 45 years of working with teens who seemed completely lacking in common sense. I know that part of adolescence is living without complete common sense, but the degree Solomon talks about is beyond the normal amount of foolishness. It is dangerously beyond the norm, and one reason I’m always concerned about teenagers getting their driver’s license is partly the lack of real-world experience that helps develop a healthy dose of common sense. That condition puts them and others at greater risk. I’m not saying all teenagers lack common sense, or that all adults have it. The example of balanced growth is found in the only passage in the Bible about the teenage Jesus. Here we read that even the second person of the Trinity needed to grow and mature during His teen years. Luke writes that Jesus continued to grow mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. We all need that in our journey. When any of those four areas are neglected, we see a life out of balance. What we know as common sense is best gained through healthy development, especially in the mental and spiritual areas of a person’s life. The social aspect will reflect that growth. Jesus came as an infant that first Christmas, and from that moment, He grew in all areas. Why would we not expect the same for ourselves? Today, allow God’s Spirit to guide you into wisdom and common sense. #BeTheEdge

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.“ Jesus

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