“keeping you from your neighbor’s wife, from the smooth talk of a wayward woman.”
Solomon credits God’s wisdom with keeping his son away from evil people, in this case adulterous women. There is no shortage of smooth talking people in the world. It is often said about some politicians. The value of this truth in our story goes way beyond who we vote for. That is certainly important however, our interactions in daily life often provides numerous people who can ‘spin a yarn’ in a convincing manner. The gift of godly discernment coupled with the still small voice of God’s Spirit whispering in our soul is a powerful resource in business and life. One of the most successful business leaders involved with The Edge ministry has mentioned on numerous occasions how he passed up what could very possibly have been a lucrative deals because the one they would have had to do business with was not quite genuine. Genuine people are not smooth talkers. It does not mean they are illiterate it’s just that there is an obvious transparency, honesty and vulnerability in their interactions. It is vital to recognize that only with God’s truth are we able to have this level of discernment. “Neither worldly discretion, nor civil education, nor moral precepts, nor any other considerations, are sufficient preservatives against…” evil people and their intentions without God’s wisdom.(Benson) Today let God’s truth guide your every interaction. #BeTheEdge
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17 NIV