“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!”
Ants are only mentioned twice in the Bible. Not sure why that caught my attention but it did. Ants are extolled as creatures who are an e ample to be observed and followed. My mom likes to remind us of not working on the sabbath. I’m still not sure if she believes it is Saturday or Sunday. She seems to be a fan of it being both. At 88 she has earned multiple sabbaths weekly. There are those who love to dwell on the sabbaths rest but seem to forget the admonition to work hard the other six days. I just read a devotion by a friend who talked about choosing a job back in the 50’s because they gave every other Friday off. Yesterday I spoke to a business owner who was sharing that he was probably going to have to go to a four day work week, not because it would be more efficient or productive but because in competing for top talent he had to offer what other companies were offering. Amazing. I remember being told early in my ministry that no one in ministry could make a living if they had to sell insurance like the speaker and his team did. I saw that as a challenge and determined to never have anyone think I didn’t work as hard or harder in taking the Gospel to the world as they did. God built us to work. Billy Graham believed we would have jobs in heaven. Today work as diligently as you are able and bring honor to your heaven;y Father with your effort. #BeTheEdge
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalms 90:17 NIV