“Today I fulfilled my vows, and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.”
This is a very dangerous person. The woman Solomon warns about in this verse is religious and offering two great temptations to an unwitting young man. She has let him know that she has been to the temple and made the required offering to appease God. In other words she is attempting to convince the young man that she is in right standing with God so she can be trusted. Her offering would have been shared with the priests who in turn would send her home with some delicious meat that she is now offering to share with the young man. Finally she offers sexual pleasure. Over the decades and centuries we have seen too many examples of religious leaders use their religion to seduce the ignorant into sin. It is truly one of the highest forms of evil. The thing that would protect the young man in Solomons story is the same thing that protects us today – a close walk with our savior undergirded with a deep knowledge of His word. Satan intentionally misquoted scripture to tempt Jesus in the desert. He will attempt to do the same to those who belong to Jesus today. Today don’t let the promises of the religious draw you away from God. #BeTheEdge
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!”Galatians 1:8 NIV