“Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight.”
I once read in a commentary about wisdom in Proverbs that it not only supplies knowledge of what is and how to live rightly but forbids wrong principles. It is easy to believe scripture is interested in letting us know when we are bad. Many of us have religious traditions that focused on that. I grew up in a church that practically taught us that guilt was a spiritual gift. Ok, maybe not that bad but we were certainly drilled on the “shall nots.” I’ve said before that if we spent our time focused on the things scripture instructs us to do we would not have time to even worry about the stuff to avoid. Solomon wants us to know that at some point early in our walk with the Lord we need to not only grow in our faith walk but we need to distance ourselves from those who don’t, the simple or more correctly translated
“the foolish” who would drag us down. As a young man in Florida I was a competitive tennis player. One of the most frustrating lessons I learned was about the tendency to play up or down to the level of my competition. I played my best matches against players who played at my level or even a bit better. Conversely my worst tennis was played against poor or at least less capable players. We have that tendency in life, especially our spiritual life. Those not striving to live boldly and powerfully for Jesus can pull us down to that place as well. Today allow God’s insights and strong believers challenge you to a higher place of service to your King. #BeTheEdge
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV