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Proverbs 3:13 NIV

The biblical meaning of the word blessed is, “favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness.” That’s easy to read and maybe even say, “that’s cool”. However it is a powerful truth that’s easy to miss. We as a culture have cheapened or changed the powerful meanings of some words. Not long ago we shared in a “The Edge Daily” devotion how the meaning of the word ‘nice’ changed over time. Similarly, silly in its earliest uses, it referred to things worthy or blessed; from there it came to refer to the weak and vulnerable, and more recently to those who are foolish. In the same way, awful,  wench, fathom, clue, naughty, eerie, flirt, and many other words have lost their original meaning along with the implied power of there meaning. Here is an entertaining one, fizzle: The verb fizzle once referred to the act of producing quiet flatulence (think “SBD”); American college slang flipped the word’s meaning to refer to failing at things. When Solomon talks about the happiness found in Gods wisdom we must resist the meaning we typically give that word. Beyond the happiest moments we can imagine, falling in love, the birth of a child or anything else we experience, the word here envisions a transcendent happiness. It is the happiness found in heaven itself. It has been referred to by Henry as, “the happiness of God” Himself. Today, pursue God and His wisdom and settle for nothing less than the happiness He offers. #BeTheEdge


“Happy are they…” Jesus