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Proverbs 10:17 NIV

“Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.” 

You will receive instruction in life. Good or bad there will be plenty of people ready to speak into your story. Solomon is reinforcing that all of us will but in this verse he emphasizes that the young especially need to hear correction. It is the adjustments that are made because of Godly correction that helps them navigate this life. The most difficult part of this process has always been, at least going back to Solomon’s time, having the humility to listen and learn. At lunch yesterday I discussed with a long time friend the great gift the elders of the church have to offer the young. Years of life often brings with it experiences, both good and bad. They often bring with them wisdom. That wisdom only comes with age. It is not the fault of the young that youth is inexperienced and lacking the knowledge that only comes through walking over time with God. The tension is often that youth comes with a pride and arrogance that interferes with them listening, watching and learning from their elders experiences. It also involves a lack of humility which is necessary to listen and learn. It is no wonder that many 30 year olds return to their parents and apologize for having not listened to them earlier in life. Today thank someone who brought wisdom to your story and apologize where necessary. #BeTheEdge

“Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?” Job‬ ‭12‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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