“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.”
This imagery is hard to miss today. Many of us have been seeing pictures and videos of the storm’s destruction that blasted through North Carolina last week. It is devastating and heartbreaking. The death toll is over 200 and rising. I grew up spending summers in that part of the country. I worked there at camps as a teenager and college student. My family owned vacation homes there for 40 years. Some of the places we enjoyed are gone and may never be rebuilt. Amid this devastation, there are glimpses of things that survived practically unscathed—almost miraculously so. Solomon speaks metaphorically about what we can see in the real world. When the storms of life hit us, those who are firmly planted in the Lord stand. We may be battered and bruised, but we stand. Jesus tells us how. He describes those who build their lives on Him and His truth as being established on the rock, the ones who survive. In contrast, those who build their lives without Him are like those built on sand. Florida has put building regulations in place that help newer homes withstand storms up to a certain wind speed. That’s helpful however God’s word has no limit in its power to protect. Today, be sure you are firmly planted in the eternal truth of God’s word. #BeTheEdge
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Jesus