“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.”
“The percentage of American men aged 30-50 not working increased from 5% in 1960 to 15% in 2010. How do they survive? Mostly, mothers, wives, and girlfriends support them, along with some Social Security disability checks.Apr 2, 2018.” (Geneva.edu) I don’t know about you but this quote surprised me, even more it disappointed me. As we’ve shared before, God created us for work. Too often society and the government have found ways to deincentivize working for a living. Without getting into the politics of it, I think we can agree that working at a job you are gifted and created for can be one of the most fulfilling experiences of a persons life. There is no doubt there are those with life circumstances that make holding and doing a steady job very difficult if not impossible. That truly is the exception, not the rule. As I write this there is currently 11.26 million unfilled jobs waiting for people to fill them in the US. On the best day our society and government alone are not bringing the income and life satisfaction we find in a job well done. When we meet our savior and He tells us “well done good and faithful servant” He is certainly talking about a life of faith well lived. Part of that is using all the gifts and talents He gave us to glorify Him. The Edge is committed to helping all of us influence our work environments with our faith. That is not done at home on the couch or when we grumble and slack off on the job. Today work hard and let God’s gifts and creation shine through you. ##BeTheEdge
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23 NIV