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Proverbs 1:11 NIV

By November 1, 2022No Comments

“If they say, “Come along with us; let’s lie in wait for innocent blood, let’s ambush some harmless soul;”

I suspect you will never be tempted by evil people using this language. We would recognize pretty quickly to get away from these lunatics. I’m sure there are people who are so lost and owned by the evil one that this invitation would possibly sound enticing. But, not you or I. The relevance of this verse for us is in the whole arena of others tempting us into sin. Although we could all come up with a long list of possible sins we could be tempted into I won’t. I don’t know your unique vulnerability today. However, Satan does and he won’t hesitate to put someone in your path who can create an enticing picture of the pleasure or reward in your vulnerable area. Our instruction is to run, flee those people and run directly to your savior. It can be moving physically away or it may be focusing your heart and mind on scripture that specifically deals with that sin. In this verse the harmless soul being ambushed is most likely your own. If you are willing to set traps to cause others to stumble you are a very broken and dangerous person. Get help. The rest of us need to walk in the light. That is where traps become obvious. A beautiful truth is that if we spend our time doing the things scripture commands we have very little time to do the don’t’s of scripture. Today walk in God’s truth and flee those who desire evil. #BeTheEdge

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”James 4:7 NIV

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