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Proverbs 2:11 NIV

By November 2, 2022No Comments

“Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.”

Discretion is what wisdom becomes when it is put into action. It is the “outward manifestation” of wisdom. I love that picture. I’m a reasonably contemplative person but ultimately I like taking action. Even when it’s not popular, as living God’s truth in a broken and sinful world can be, doing becomes important for the God follower. Here the word “discretion” includes the ideas of reflection and consideration. Before we move to quickly into action Solomon reminds us it is ok, even wise, to “test what is uncertain and avoid dangers”. I also love the picture lol of balanced consideration and action. I know some very successful risk takers. In The Edge ministry part of what we do is help leaders understand how God designed them. A consistent pattern we see in business leaders and entrepreneurs is they tend to be risk takers. The most successful ones are led first and for most by God’s Spirit. They take risks but in the process they carefully consider the cost, they reflect on and consider all available information. In the end they lay it before the Lord, pray and listen to Him. Then, and only then, they move boldly forward. He promises to guard you. Today listen to God’s voice and then act in accordance. #BeTheEdge

“he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalms 23:3 NIV

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