“No one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted.”
I would love to tell the young business leaders involved in our ministry that this is true about their business. I say young because the older business leaders tend to have learned the reality of this verse through experience over the years. That reality is that this is not necessarily a business guarantee. It can be reflected in their business life as well as their family and social life. This promise goes deeper than that. The word establish here talks of peace and stability. Though businesses would do well to have that, it is the life of a person, no matter the circumstances they face, that is most blessed by the presence of God gifting them with these qualities. Wickedness never, not for one solitary second, allowed for either of these in a persons soul. It does just the opposite. The righteous living stand firm while the wicked are tossed, turned and destroyed. Today live in Godly righteousness. #BeTheEdge
“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Jesus