“For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them;”
Turning from God is a dangerous way to live. Solomon wants us to be aware and consider the dangers of walking away from God. Boldly walking out of fellowship with God or simply wasting our relationship with Him though complacency elicits such dramatic consequences, according to our writer, as death and destruction. He wants us to be keenly aware of what we will face. Why? Because he knows our human tendencies. He knows that it can often take very little temptation to get us to turn from God’s way. As a Baptist I knew this as “back sliding”. Other denominations used similar terminology. The bottom line is, don’t do it. In this section of Proverbs Solomon is focused on carelessness in our walk with Christ than intentionally walking away. It is seen here as the result of prosperity. In poverty he sees adversity causing us to stay alert and battling but prosperity he says makes us comfortable, lulls us to sleep. Before we know it we have drifted from God’s way and eased into the barren wilderness of secular pleasure and contentment. Today stay aware and hold God’s plan close. #BeTheEdge
“We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” Hebrews 2:1 NIV