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Proverbs 19:13 NIV

By January 19, 2023No Comments

“A foolish child is a father’s ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like the constant dripping of a leaky roof.” 

This one gets us off the hook right guys? I mean it’s talking about kids causing us ruin and wives being like a leaky roof. Not so fast. Yes the foolish child will wear out both parents. The Hebrew for this verse tells of multiple foolish acts that seem to go on and on and wear out the parent physically, mentally and materially as they continually rescue the child. The dripping is a reference to the middle eastern flat roof made of crossing patterns of wood usually covered in clay or plaster. They constantly developed leaks that dripped incessantly. I have an area in my hall ceiling that started leaking during what we know as sideways rain. I laid in bed and heard this dripping sound. I put a trash can under it to catch the water. I then heard the dripping against the plastic can and eventually in the water. There was no stopping it that night and the dripping was an irritating annoyance all night. A quarrelsome spouse has the same effect. I’ve certainly seen it be the husband as much as the wife. In as much as God call a couple to become one and to cohabitate for life it can slowly wear down both soul and spirit. God has defined some powerful spiritual boundaries in all our relationships. He has also clearly shown us how to put the other person and their interests first. As we honor them we find joy and peace in our families. Today seek peace through love and consideration of others. #BeTheEdge

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus

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