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Proverbs 21:3 NIV

By July 21, 2024No Comments

“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”‬‬

This is not hard for the genuine follow of Jesus to understand. Those who are involved in religion rather than relationship will struggle to grasp this simple truth. They will long for ritual, systems, rules while those involved in a relationship with their creator will live to treat others justly and righteously. Yesterday, in a conversation with a friend about this very issue, I was reminded of a placard I had seen on a pastor desk many years ago. It said “For God, so loved the world that He didn’t send a committee (or a program), He sent a relationship”. Doing right and just is about how we treat people, it’s about relationships. Sacrifice can feel that way at times but ultimately it’s more about tasks. There’s nothing wrong with sacrifice, as a matter fact there are times our faith calls for it. Solomon is not denigrating the need to sacrifice at times in life. he is just reminding us of what is more important. Jesus modeled sacrifice however, it was motivated by pure love for God’s people. Today, practice justice and righteousness and please your Heavenly Father. #BeTheEdge

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Jesus

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