“Wisdom is too high for fools; in the assembly at the gate they must not open their mouths.”
Sadly these days it seems the wise stay silent and the fools quickly and readily open their mouths. I’ve been with and watched as men and women I know to have great wisdom and insight stay silent as others who have very little of either drone on and on. It’s as if those with something useful to share realize the one talking is not really interested in learning so they keep their pearls in their pocket for a more receptive listener. What a loss. How much great and wise counsel has been missed because a person is not wise enough to stay quiet and listen. I have felt for a long time that if I’m talking I’m learning nothing new. All I can say is what I already know. When I’m silent I may or may not hear wise information but the odds are 100% greater that I may than if I’m talking. Solomon goes so far as telling those foolish individuals not that they ought to be quiet when they are amongst the wise, he tells them they must be silent. Pretty blunt. I eat lunch fairly often with a group of men who are serious golfers and students of the game. I am not. Some even played in college and one spent time on the tour. When they discuss golf related stuff I listen. I very occasionally ask a question but only after determining how stupid it might be. Solomon is making a much bigger life example. As much as I stand to learn about golf I am in even greater need of learning about God and spiritual things. Therefore when with other believers I listen. Today allow God’s spirit to help you discern when to speak otherwise listen close. #BeTheEdge
“Whoever has ears, let them hear.” Jesus