“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.”
Don’t understand? Spend a few minutes scrolling through Facebook or “X” posts and responses. It is so easy for some people to get drawn into meaningless arguments on social media or real life. Seldom, I’d venture to say never, is there a useful or positive outcome to these types of exchanges. Wisely Solomon advises not to even start down this road. Instead of a positive exchange or outcome we tend to be drawn down to their foolish level. Some people exist to drag others down this way. They actually receive pleasure from it. This is not to discourage discussions and even disagreements about worthy issues with intelligent and God honoring people. They can be stimulating to our faith and create great learning opportunities. The Inklings, of which Lewis and Tolkien were a part, gathered regularly at their favorite pub for discussions and disagreements on everything from deep theological questions to whether one was too detailed in their writing of fantasy, ie Lord of the Rings vs. The Chronicles of Narnia. I reckon I’m not the only one who would give a small fortune to have sat in on some of those conversations. This is about discerning the fool to walk away from and the deep thinker to engage with. One makes you a fool also and the other brings greater wisdom to your journey. Today choose your conversations wisely. #BeTheEdge
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17 NIV