“Evildoers do not understand what is right, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully.” Proverbs 28:5 NIV
Some people don’t understand why anyone would not fudge on a few details or facts if it meant they could get what they want, especially if what they wanted was money or power. Even though I have witnessed this play out a few times over the years, I am still surprised when I see it happen. We are not just cautioned to do the right thing at all times, but also to understand the cost of compromising over time. I have watched a couple of very successful companies walk away from deals sure to make them larger and more profitable because of small misrepresentations or compromises by the other party. Over time, it has become apparent that it was a wise call. By contrast, I have seen others ignore or even embrace those who were willing to compromise their integrity for success, later to pay a cost. Sometimes the cost isn’t just in dollars. I’ve seen marriages, families, and other relationships fall apart because compromising decisions in business affected them, as well. Today, allow God’s Truth to anchor your values and put your future success in His hands, alone. #BeTheEdge