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Proverbs 3:9 NIV

By November 3, 2024No Comments

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;”‬‬

Many pastors love this verse when talking about tithing. That’s fine. However, I am always amazed by the men and women I meet who lead in business and don’t seem to care about 10%. They operate from a needs-meeting and opportunity-driven concept of giving away what they have. One once told me that he didn’t find anywhere in Scripture where we were told to give just 10% to the Lord. “Read your Bible he said, where is: live your faith 10%, love others 10%,” and so on. “We don’t serve a 10% God. It’s all His, so He gets what He wants when He wants.” Then I learned that he consistently gave away more than 30% of his company’s profits. As The Edge Ministry has focused a large portion of its efforts on helping business leaders become Biblical Worldview leaders, I hear more and more about this type of leader. J.C. Penney tithed 90% of his income to the Lord. I’m not sure the word “tithe” actually fits in that sentence. I’m not advocating that, but in your story, God may be wanting something different than a programmed amount. Let Him tell you. The point is that we give Him our very best, what Solomon calls the first fruits, as opposed to leftovers, and we let Him lead on the amounts. I think 10% is a solid floor, but let God grow it. It’s all His anyway. Today, recognize who owns everything. #BeTheEdge

“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance.” Jesus

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