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Proverbs 4:20 NIV

By November 4, 2024No Comments

“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.”

Who do you turn to for wise counsel? If you’re like me, you cherish every C.S. Lewis book and quote you can find. Dr. Steve Brown has that same effect on me. As great as these writers and speakers are, what I’m really asking about is the men and women in your life whom you consult when facing major decisions or difficult challenges. A week ago, I was confronted with decisions regarding my 45 years in ministry. These choices have the potential to radically transform my current ministry and impact many people and organizations. I quickly realized there was a group of people I needed to consult. It’s not a long list, but it is significant. Each person on it is a close friend and a wise advisor who has helped me through previous challenges and decisions. They all have an intimate relationship with Jesus and know me better than anyone else on this planet. They are also men of prayer. Before Solomon told his son to pay attention and listen to him, he knew his son had a deep confidence in him, as well as his gift of great wisdom from God. At the start of this reflection, I asked, “Who do you go to?” If you don’t have these kinds of people in your life, seek them out. If you do, thank God for them and keep them close. Today, take a moment to identify your counselors. #BeTheEdge

“But which of them has stood in the council of the Lord to see or to hear his word? Who has listened and heard his word?”Jeremiah‬ ‭23‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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