“She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.”
Wandering aimlessly without realizing it is a powerful description. I believe it describes many people in the world today. Aimlessly wandering yet unaware almost seems impossible. It is sad to watch. The Edge partners with a high school ministry called True North. The teenagers came up with the name. As the name suggests, this ministry is focused on helping teens identify their True North in their journey. Of course, we see Jesus as the ultimate and only True North. The True North is a point by which ancient mariners navigated uncharted oceans. Today, many things are guided by it. The military, for example, uses what they refer to as the magnetic north for targeting missiles in locations around the globe. Jesus as our True North is the one constant by which we should all navigate our lives. This eliminates aimless wandering and provides purpose for every move we make. That is both comforting and empowering. One day, Jesus came down from His time with His Father. The disciples told Him that a crowd had gathered to see Him, but He set His face in a different direction, stating that He had a different destiny awaiting Him in Jerusalem. Today, make sure that Jesus, and He alone, is your True North. #BeTheEdge
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”Colossians 3:2 NIV