“a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”
Of the seven things that are detestable to God Solomon finishes the list with these two. They are certainly similar. It is easy to see why God hates them. One of His great desire is for peace. His son was even nicknamed the “Prince of Peace”. These two sins undermine peace between two people as well as throughout a community. The word for “stirs up” was better translated “sows” which is a farming term that tells us this person deliberately plants seeds of discord. Bibleref tells us “the person who “sows discord” uses gossip, lies, unfounded accusations, negative criticism, and backbiting to accomplish his goal”. The word for “pours out” literally means to breathe out. It implies that lying is as natural as breathing for this person. They lie often and the community is poisoned by their untrue gossip. Lately for us it has often been seen throughout our country but perhaps the more dangerous example that God surely detests is when it happens in the church body. Today speak truth and pursue peace. #BeTheEdge
“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices” Colossians 3:9 NIV