“For a prostitute can be had for a loaf of bread, but another man’s wife preys on your very life.”
Without knowing it, or maybe we do, many of us have sins that we would rank as not really a big deal. Maybe we even don’t call them sins. Instead we want to refer to them as simple mistakes. In reality who would ever compare murder with a little gossip. Sometimes we even move gossip into the “prayer request” column. Does anybody really doubt that those involved with a prostitute cost you in every way. Or that being in an adulterous affair with a married person costs you even more. Solomon makes it clear that neither is a good idea and that in reality both are a horrific. Here’s the thing: all sin is costly. The price on of sin in your life varies depending on the sin however the cost on your soul is always the same. Before a relationship with Jesus every sin is a by product of a lost and broken life. After salvation every sin is a swing of the hammer driving the nails into your Savior. No sin gets a free pass. All sin leads to death. Adultery and uncleaness are in the same list in Galatians. How about gluttony? Yep, that one gets on my list way too often. Jesus had to give His life for all of them. Today review your sin and confront things you might wink at that God doesn’t. #BeTheEdge
“For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” James 2:10 NIV