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Proverbs 8:34 NIV

By February 5, 2024No Comments

“Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.” ‬‬

Last week a large portion of our nation waited for a groundhog that crawl out of its hole in the ground and looked for its shadow. Supposedly it responded to whether it did or didn’t see it so we could look forward to an early or late spring. Then it crawled back into its hole. I know that is the theory, however if you watched you would have seen some old guy holding it and at just the right minute he leaned down to the groundhogs snout and pretended it whispered its prediction to him. Incidentally, the groundhog is only correct about 37% of the time. Solomon gives a similar picture to us. I love this image of a person waiting in excited anticipation for the doors to open at one of their favorite places where one of their favorite people will soon appear. It’s the message, the insight that this person waits for. Scripture reminds us that Jesus rose early to have quiet time with His Father. They reviewed the plan, He received encouragement and sustenance for the days work. We need to do the same. The act of waiting for the Lord is not my strong suit. I’m not the best at waiting for anything. But, learning the value of waiting, the soul preparation that occurs in growing anticipation of what God has for us is in itself a gift. It’s like the excited joy in anticipating the birth of a child, or for me the birth of a grandchild. For a child it’s the speculation, awe and wonder of Christmas morning. For our planet it’s the coming of our savior from the clouds. Today grab some time to sit in preparation for a God moment and enjoy. #BeTheEdge

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalms‬ ‭27‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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