“So I came out to meet you; I looked for you and have found you!”
Do not be mistaken, Satan is aggressively pursuing you. Sin is looking for a way in and it doesn’t need much of an opening to slither in. Unless you are armored up and on your guard you are highly susceptible. You are highly susceptible even when you are but certainly less so. Satan and his forces live to steal, kill and destroy. Nothing else. To steal all God offers including peace, joy, life, etc.. To kill your soul and your body. To kill your relationships and everything about you that reflects the life of the resurrected savior. Finally to destroy all your faith, hope, dreams and love. He is not an interesting yet destructive Satan. He is evil, unadulterated, dark, nasty, hate-filled, evil. You cannot hide from him on your own but you can be hidden from him in Christ. You can be surrounded and filled with all of God’s power and presence by His Spirit. God promises that. But, you can’t both be fully clothed in Christ and flirt with sin. It is completely one or the other. Darkness or light. Paul asks us to consider what coexistence can dark and light have together. His clear answer is none. Today live in the light, the full light, of Jesus. ##BeTheEdge
“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV