“before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth,”
I want to just let this one sit and wander around in my mind and spirit. The creator of the universe was Jesus. The redeemer is Jesus. Before any of the created lands existed they were settled in His mind. His wisdom existed with Him. Did you follow all of that? I’m not always sure I do. In the original language this verse is about eternity. God’s wisdom, His Son, has existed and will exist for all eternity. With that in mind we can rest knowing that His truth and understanding has never changed at all. Mountains are stable but have been know to shift, crumble and even fall. Hills are the same. But being greater in nature and existence, Gods wisdom doesn’t shift or change, not slightly. There is temptation at times to believe social change can tweak and change the essence of God’s eternal wisdom. It can’t. Surely we face new questions the early followers did not even imagine. However, as new as they were to us God knew of there coming before time existed. Churches split over this truth. Some should. When anyone would allow for what God called true 2,000 or 10,000 or a million years ago to shift we call it a lie. Today live and walk confidently in God’s eternal wisdom. #BeTheEdge
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 NIV